Monday, 29 March 2010

Museum Exhibition

What is nice about exhibiting in a museum is seeing your work rubbing up against the museum's permanent collections, and the museal way pieces look locked away behind glass - untouchable in the rather hushed museum atmosphere. Quite different to the gallery or Open Studio situation.
Yesterday the exhibition at the Washington County Museum of the Arts in Hagerstown opened - it will run until September.
In an adjacent gallery are two small Henry Moore bronze maquettes. 
And in the gallery itself are two splendid sandstone figures framing a doorway.
 "The Wise and Foolish Virgins (1947), two sandstone sculptures by the Belgian sculptor Ernest Van Wijnants (1878–1964), stand watch at the entrance to the gallery. The figure of the wise virgin holds out a lamp while the foolish virgin covers hers with a chained hand."
My work is immediately on the right of one of these figures and I really enjoyed it's proximity.

I also liked the dramatic effect of lit display cases in the dark-walled gallery.
My work in the two cases on the left, Sten Lykke Madsen's on the right.

1 comment:

Eugene Hon said...

Wow that looks absolutely amazing, cant agree more -the dark space with the works displayed in a well lit cabinet is just special and deservingly so. Museums often have a bit of a history to them as well, adding that something special to the occasion, doesn't it.