Monday, 5 April 2010

Faces from NCECA and a pair of feet

At the Davenport Gallery, Wayne Art Center, Wayne, PA (until April 10)

and Curt LaCross  who writes: "I fabricate pieces that characterize the human condition" 
shown at the exhibition “Portraiture Beyond Likeness.” curated by Jo Lauria

At the Duke Gallery, Community Art Center until April 23

A masterly figure by Tip Toland
part of the exhibition: "Dis/Arming Domesticity" Curator: Gail Brown 
Watch a video of it here

Unbelievable feet! Or rather - hugely believable....!

And disturbing  and moving figures by Anne Drew Potter from the same exhibition.


JoAnn F. Axford said...

Thanks for sharing these photos. I was at NCECA but didn't get to this exhibit. I was thrilled to see and touch your pinched bowls at the Santa Fee show !
JoAnn Axford,

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing ... pretty wild! One of these years I'll have to make to an NCECA