Saturday 15 January 2011

New Year Plans

Back garden -when the sun shines....

Our winter is being long, dark and snowy this year. So it is a good time now to plan ahead and get going on the year's projects.
Firstly, a firing in the Bourry Box kiln "Skælskør Express" at Guldagergaard, sometime later this month. I will be filling and firing it with a few of the current group of "Network" participants.
At the end of March I am going to attend the NCECA conference in Tampa, Florida, and from there fly to Phoenix, Arizona, travelling on to Flagstaff, where I am going to work in the Ceramic Dept of NAU for a month or so.
The kilns at NAU are a great attraction: In 2006 I had 3 or 4 pieces in the firings before the conference - "20 + 1 Years of the Tozan Kilns", and the special quality of the pieces I took home with me continued to remind me that here was a place I wanted to go back to.
The four pieces I exhibited during the conference are now part of the fine Macy Collection, which was on exhibition in the NAU Art Gallery at the end of last year. 

Nobirigama kiln at NAU
Double Train kiln at NAU

I hope to produce new work which will form the basis of two exhibitions: one in England in 2012 and two in South Africa, at the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012.

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