Thursday, 14 June 2012

The secret chamber

The secret chamber arch will bridge the gap between the back wall of the kiln chamber and the chimney 

Skew bricks cut to start the arch

Lung Chieh sorting bricks
Andres knocking out the bricks which were holding the form in place



inthewoods said...

Fun to watch the progress on this kiln. Looks like excellent craftsmanship.


woodfirer said...

Hi Scott, it is going fast but with a great attention to detail - bricks from, up to now, 5 countries, both used and new. Hopefully, the roof goes up soon too.
All participants have enjoyed seeing the film of the Unionville kiln!

bfreeceramics said...

the small chamber in the back is a wonderful addition to the single chamber. the kiln looks amazing. congratulations!