Friday, 11 December 2009

More from "Network 2009" at Guldagergaard

"Network 2009" is a six-week residency program for young ceramic artists, which is held each year at the
International Ceramic Research Center - Guldagergaard in Skælskør, Denmark.
Here are some images from the opening of the exhibition in the AppleHouse Gallerylast night:

Harriet Thomas (UK)
Harriet writes about her work:
"This work is a response to the new situations that I have found myself in of late. I 
am especially concerned with human interaction and cultural idiosyncracies and I 
have combined these interests with my love of ancient and architectural structure,tocreate pieces that challenge the viewer, making them question their preconceptions about ceramic art.
I have been woodfiring as it is an extension of the making process, the pieces are 
still able to change and take on their own character, influenced by the flame rather than the hand."

Ieva Bertasiute (Lithuania)

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