Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Looking at the results of all the firings of the past month

Now that I am home again after a month at Guldagergaard I have been unpacking and looking at the work from the firings - 7 in all that we had during August- not that I had that much work fired, but I had something in all kilns, except the second soda firing.

Small thrown pots from the Bourry Box kiln

Pinched bowl fired in the Olsen Cross Draught kiln

This bowl was fired in the Bourry Box kiln - we used so much pine it gave too much ash...

This tall pot (22cms X 14cms) came out of a soda firing


Tracey Broome said...

I'm such a fan of your work! These are just beautiful. I just came from a workshop at Penland School of Craft and a woman in my class made pinch pots for raku. They reminded me of yours, but she made all sizes.

Anonymous said...

beautiful beautiful work... i love them all. the last piece's surface reminds me of the inside of seashell or some exotic marine creature, lovely

Max said...

Your work continues to inspire me.

Mieke van Sambeeck said...

wonderfully beautifull!
you're so lucky to be able to do all these different firings, I envy you!

Unknown said...

Hi Pricilla - Malcolm Davis would like to invite you to submit an image of a work for possible inclusion in a national invitational exhibition of shino works, Shino Redux 2010, to be held at Clay Art Center in NY in Feb. I just realized that i don't have your correct contact info. Please email me at for more info!
Leigh Taylor Mickelson
Clay Art Center

FetishGhost said...

My kids and I have been following your blog site for a few months while discussing the different approaches and techniques used in the ceramic arts.They got a new appreciation for your skill this week as they made a go of pinch pots themselves. T'aint easy!
Keep up the great work!