Sunday, 16 August 2009

Report from Guldagergard: kiln firing today!

Pedro finishing work for the Cross Draught firing, which we will start packing tomorrow!
Leena has made pads of wadding to shield her printed image from ash, while hopefully some colour will penetrate. The wadding is a version of Marc Lancet's rice husk wadding, using cracked wheat instead of rice husks. 

The firing started at 6am and now, at 10.30am, we can begin to crank it up a bit....
We are firing without a pyrometer this time which gives a much more relaxed stoking style I think!

1 comment: said...

Hello from Argentina!!!!
I am trying to contact Priscilla, I hope this is the right way to do it. My name is Paula and I am a potter here in Buenos Aires...I would like to congratulate you for your beautifull, beautifull work... cups...and to share with you muy brand new blog spot!!
and e-mail
congratulations for contributing to the beauty of the world!