Sunday, 5 April 2015

First week at STARworks

This Easter weekend started quite sensationally at STARworks with the annual Firefest. Blazing events in clay, glass and metal workshops. Many people, both local and from further afield, and guest artists showing their skills! Firstly; two events I was involved with.
Firing the climbing kiln, which I had 5 test pieces in and which I plan to fire later in the month: this was a great opportunity to get to know the kiln and its regular firing crew. The kiln was fired from wednesday morning until friday evening. Unpacking next wednesday.
Bowls in porcelain clay
Firing crew: Jeff Brown

Salting the second chamber: Bill Jones and Jeff Brown

Nearing the end of the firing
The fiber kiln constructed by Andres Allik (from Estonia) was fired over several days. Firstly with a gentle electric blower, (the work was thick and not dry) then gas, and then a full day's stoking with wood.When darkness had fallen a team of 7 people (I was one of them) opened the 7 "petals" of the kiln. The kiln can be dismantled and re-used again and again.

The developer of the sculpture kiln - Andres Allik

Kiln from afar

Preparing to unveil the sculpture

Tree sculpture by Carole Gentiles

1 comment:

0.o said...

This looks incredible, what fun it must have been!