Monday, 11 August 2008

Working on improving my workshop

I have decided to reinstate my continental kick wheel (self built) in a central position in my workshop. I can use it as a work surface and I hope it will lead me back into throwing - something I had more or less dropped since buying a small electric wheel many years ago.
I took part in Victoria Christen and Ayumi Horie's workshop at Guldagergaard this summer
and just that brief day of throwing gave me ideas to work on...when everything I make is pinched or coiled it takes a long time to fill a kiln, and I want to be able to woodfire more often, filling the whole kiln with my own work, so as not to have to compromise on the way I want the firing to go.

I am also inspired by Clementina's new beakers -
just the word "beaker" gives me ideas for a new shape to drink from...-- and they lend themselves ideally to thrown woodfired porcelain!

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